Un B&B nel cuore di Napoli

Our Rules


Check-in time 2 PM-6 PM – Check-out time is 10 AM, If you are planning to arrive after 6 PM, or before 2 PM please contact the property in advance.

Breakfast is served between 08.00 AM – 10.00 AM.

Smoking is not allowed inside the B&B.

 Pets are allowed if they are supervised at all times by their owners.

When you are not in the room it is mandatory to turn off the air conditioner and light. The property will turn  off the light, air conditioning and television if they are left on.

 Clients are required to provide a valid identification document upon arrival for completion of the P. S. form (as required for compliance with Law no. 675, dated 31-DEC-1996).

 For reasons of public safety, it is not permitted for guests to allow access to the B&B to other persons at any time. (Safety Communication)

 Penalty for key loss room and door Bed and Breakfast €150.00.

 For early check out payment full stay, except for urgent reasons.

 The guest will be charged 30% of the total price if they cancel in the 15 day before arrival.